MY artwork

A Collection of my Professional Works and Achievements.

Small Scale Figures
Typically associated with tabletop and boardgaming hobbies/figures (as seen on Critical Role), these models measure around 28mm – 48mm. When fully painted, with detailed basing, these models are great for immersive game play; or simply works of art for collectors and enthusiasts..
Large Scale Figures
These large-scale miniature models measure anywhere from 54mm and up and are generally geared towards display level paintworks. From Action Figures, Busts, and Dioramas, they are the pinnacle of the artform, and are great for enthusiasts and collectors.
Custom Projects
Custom projects are visions in scale. From private collectors to corporate projects, the collaboration and realisation of a project is a rewarding one. From having a fully painted miniature model for tabletop RPGs and boardgames, to simply looking for the ideal centrepiece to add to your display cabinet, all are visions in scale brought to life.
